Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Led by our Director of Children's Ministries, Jen Gospodnetich, this ministry is for children from Pre-K through 6th grade.
Your children are taught to love God, learn about the Bible, and grow in the knowledge of Christ through play, story-telling, and fun activities.
Your children are taught to love God, learn about the Bible, and grow in the knowledge of Christ through play, story-telling, and fun activities.

Sunday Mornings
Traditional Worship Service at 8:30 AM
Sunday School at 9:45 AM
Contemporary Worship Service at 11:00 AM
Pre-K - Kindergarten: Meets in the Sanctuary building.
(Nursery care is also provided for our little ones from birth - 3 yrs old.)
(Nursery care is also provided for our little ones from birth - 3 yrs old.)
1st to 5th grades: Meets in their classroom in the Lake House.
(There will be signage to direct you.)
(There will be signage to direct you.)
Mark Your Calendars For All The Upcoming CTK Kid's Activities